Ostbahn Мартинчик Бохнигов: Exactly here at the Soviet border in Halmeu (inside the border freight yard) I had a cat and mouse hunt 1992 with romanian(!) border-police when trying to take photos of Romania's very last active German/Prussian G10 from 1925 && that's a very long story!
Ostbahn Мартинчик Бохнигов: LVT 972 615-9 (and 772 615??) as passenger service Buckow-Muencheberg reaches Muencheberg, 1993
Ostbahn Мартинчик Бохнигов: Strecke Prenzlau --->> Strasburg
Ostbahn Мартинчик Бохнигов: Hohenshoepping mit LVT aus Velten gen Hennigsdorf
Ostbahn Мартинчик Бохнигов: Ikarus'e gab's 1995 noch zumindest als Rudiment. Prenzlau mit Zug nach Gramzow.