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Mute swans by john c22
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john c22
Mute Swan play time, taken Shropshire Canal UK
john c22
Having fun, swan and signet’s Shropshire Canal England
john c22
Cygnet , question is what next happens next
john c22
Backyard visitor
john c22
Swan sparkle
john c22
john c22
“Hello” this is what happened next
john c22
Mute swan Shropshire Canal Cheshire
john c22
Mute swan with her cygnet, taken Shropshire Canal England
john c22
Evening stroll, mute swans Shropshire canal England
john c22
And the evening stroll continues, Shropshire Canal England, nice shadows
john c22
Following, (unusual for me to shoot b&w);Shropshire Canal England
john c22
“Peace” taken in Windermere Lake District England
john c22
When you have an “itch”:Shropshire Canal England
john c22
Morning swim mist included
john c22
john c22
john c22
Mute swan Shropshire Canal England “striding out!”
john c22
Cygnet starting their transformation to a beautiful mute swan
john c22
Cygnets on the march, Shropshire Canal
john c22
Swan Conductor , mute swan Shropshire Canal
john c22
Met swan in flight Shropshire Canal
john c22
Met swan in flight Shropshire Canal
john c22
Met swan in flight Shropshire Canal
john c22
Met swan in flight Shropshire Canal
john c22
Met swan in flight Shropshire Canal
john c22
Mute Swan collection Shropshire Canal
john c22
Mute Swan collection Shropshire Canal
john c22
Mute Swan collection Shropshire Canal
john c22
Mute Swan collection Shropshire Canal
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