partyofeight: strawberry buckets
partyofeight: fabric buckets for my strawberry swap partner
partyofeight: strawberry baskets for the strawberry swap
partyofeight: Front of Strawberry Needle book
partyofeight: inside of needle book part 1
partyofeight: inside of needle book part 2
partyofeight: inside of nesting strawberry baskets
partyofeight: needle book inside
partyofeight: back of needle book
partyofeight: apple needle book
partyofeight: appliqued apple
partyofeight: apple dumpling swap
partyofeight: fox swap sent
partyofeight: starbucksmugrugswap
partyofeight: back of swap rug
partyofeight: heart detail
partyofeight: California You are here mug
partyofeight: starbucksmugrug swap
partyofeight: back of mug rug and drawstring bag for the Trick or treat Halloween Swap
partyofeight: mug rug spider tag
partyofeight: the Not So Spooky Haunted House
partyofeight: pumpkin detail
partyofeight: Trick or Treat Halloween Swap is complete
partyofeight: trick or treat halloween swap package
partyofeight: Whimsical Woodland mug rug swap
partyofeight: wee wander open wide zip
partyofeight: swap extra Easter bunting
partyofeight: Easter banner detail
partyofeight: Easter dumpling front
partyofeight: back of easter dumpling