Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (9)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (8)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (6)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (5)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (4)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (3)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (2)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (1)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County
Stuart Cowen: A souix Helicopter at Souix Falls
Stuart Cowen: A Bison at Souix Falls
Stuart Cowen: Street at Souix Falls
Stuart Cowen: Cannabis and Swords
Stuart Cowen: I want one
Stuart Cowen: little big horn (1)
Stuart Cowen: little big horn
Stuart Cowen: little big horn (3)
Stuart Cowen: Almost a disaster
Stuart Cowen: Make them pretty (1)
Stuart Cowen: Make them pretty
Stuart Cowen: little big horn (2)
Stuart Cowen: The devil's tower
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (Stairs)
Stuart Cowen: Bridges of Madisson County (Banister)
Stuart Cowen: It looks like my dog Pansy
Stuart Cowen: A bit low?
Stuart Cowen: Yellow hydrant
Stuart Cowen: Hydrant
Stuart Cowen: The river runs through (1)
Stuart Cowen: The river runs through