G_Hitz: Evening Waters
G_Hitz: Pelican River Roost
G_Hitz: Pelicans flying over the surf
G_Hitz: Rock Ripples at Dusk
G_Hitz: Colorful waters edge
G_Hitz: Time to go, unfortunately. Kodiak Island, AK
G_Hitz: Mountain light. Kodiak Island, AK.
G_Hitz: Yellow-Headed Blackbird
G_Hitz: Mountain Spring
G_Hitz: Thousand Springs
G_Hitz: Killdeer
G_Hitz: Wetland Mountain View
G_Hitz: Together
G_Hitz: American Dipper
G_Hitz: Frost Lines
G_Hitz: Kodiak Peaks
G_Hitz: Petals of Frost
G_Hitz: Island hopping