G_Hitz: break in the clouds
G_Hitz: Uplift Mountain View
G_Hitz: Peaks. Kodiak Island, AK
G_Hitz: Mountain light. Kodiak Island, AK.
G_Hitz: Dalton Hwy, Alaska
G_Hitz: Alpine Autumn
G_Hitz: Evening Mountain View
G_Hitz: Mountain Spring
G_Hitz: Mountains
G_Hitz: Mountains B&W
G_Hitz: Glassing up high
G_Hitz: Cloud Covering
G_Hitz: Season of Change
G_Hitz: Autumn Mountains
G_Hitz: Morning light reaches the western slope
G_Hitz: Fall Landscape
G_Hitz: Pocket of Aspen in the evergreens
G_Hitz: Autumn morning light
G_Hitz: Sunset silhouette
G_Hitz: A touch of yellow here, a little dab there...
G_Hitz: Autumn angles
G_Hitz: Evening Light on the Plain
G_Hitz: Wetland Mountain View
G_Hitz: Evening light on the mountain
G_Hitz: Shadowed butte and lighted mountain background
G_Hitz: Kodiak Island, AK
G_Hitz: Mountain peak
G_Hitz: American Dipper
G_Hitz: Kodiak Peaks
G_Hitz: Big Southern Butte - Spring