barbara cee: happy girl )
barbara cee: giggly girl (off her face)
barbara cee: are you sure 2
barbara cee: keep 'em peeled 2
barbara cee: keep 'em peeled )
barbara cee: i've got my eye on you )
barbara cee: have you seen this man?
barbara cee: sergeant 347 cortina at your service
barbara cee: at your service
barbara cee: sergeant cortina in her room
barbara cee: sergeant cortina
barbara cee: happy girl in blue
barbara cee: don't argue with me
barbara cee: constable, you're wanted in the custody suite
barbara cee: i've got my eye on you
barbara cee: sergeant 347 cortina at your service
barbara cee: why can't i go out on patol?
barbara cee: police legs
barbara cee: at your service
barbara cee: now look...
barbara cee: morning sergeant 2
barbara cee: morning sergeant )
barbara cee: I know when I'm not wanted
barbara cee: I know when I'm not wanted
barbara cee: no-one WANTS me
barbara cee: no-one WANTS me in there
barbara cee: what's this here?
barbara cee: happy girl 2
barbara cee: sad girl