speculativeperformance: Artist unknown.
speculativeperformance: Artist unknown.
speculativeperformance: Charles Utero on the right. Other artists unknown.
speculativeperformance: The Native American Lost in Chicago… Dreamin’… by Ella & Pitr (2016)
speculativeperformance: Artist unknown.
speculativeperformance: Artists unknown.
speculativeperformance: Artists unknown.
speculativeperformance: Charles Utero on the right. LONT on the left? Eh can’t find the post now.
speculativeperformance: Artist unknown.
speculativeperformance: Art by Charles Utero
speculativeperformance: Artist unknown. 2020.
speculativeperformance: Artist unknown.
speculativeperformance: Tribute to the Past by Roman Villareal (2015)
speculativeperformance: Art by cls schriver