djamayl: A touch from Asgard
djamayl: The Witch Tree
djamayl: Contorted
djamayl: misty lake
djamayl: Serenity
djamayl: The forests’ stage
djamayl: Almost there…
djamayl: Showing Off
djamayl: Robin
djamayl: heather
djamayl: Cover of leaves
djamayl: Watching from a distance
djamayl: castle
djamayl: Heron
djamayl: Church Organ
djamayl: Path of colors
djamayl: Boneyard
djamayl: DSCF4349
djamayl: Phototropism
djamayl: Waters’ Attraction
djamayl: Growth from Within
djamayl: Dancing Partner