Richmond photog:
Wood Duck
Richmond photog:
Wood Duck
Richmond photog:
House Sparrows
Richmond photog:
Wood Duck
Richmond photog:
Brown-headed Cowbird
Richmond photog:
Wood Duck
Richmond photog:
Spotted Towhee
Richmond photog:
Marsh Wren
Richmond photog:
American Wigeon
Richmond photog:
Northern Shoveler
Richmond photog:
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Richmond photog:
Purple Martin
Richmond photog:
Tree Swallow
Richmond photog:
Marsh Wren
Richmond photog:
Marsh Wren
Richmond photog:
Ghost Ferry in the mist
Richmond photog:
Tree Swallow
Richmond photog:
Tree Swallow
Richmond photog:
House Finch
Richmond photog:
Northern Pintail
Richmond photog:
Red-winged Blackbird
Richmond photog:
Anna's Hummingbird
Richmond photog:
Anna's Hummingbird
Richmond photog:
Red-winged Blackbird
Richmond photog:
Blue-winged Teal
Richmond photog:
Cinnamon & Blue-winged Teal
Richmond photog:
Red-fruited Elder
Richmond photog:
Tree & Violet-Green Swallows
Richmond photog:
Tree, Barn and Violet Green Sswallows
Richmond photog:
Northern Shovelers