rh1192: Belgrade spire
rh1192: Storm clouds over Belgrade
rh1192: Belgrade riverside
rh1192: Tito's grave, Belgrade
rh1192: Veliko Gradište, main square
rh1192: Barges on the Danube at Veliko Gradište
rh1192: Golubac castle by the Danube
rh1192: Golubac castle by the Danube
rh1192: Danube sunset, Golubac
rh1192: The bike near Golubac, in the Danube Gorges
rh1192: Fishing boat on the Danube
rh1192: Danube gorge tunnels, Serbia
rh1192: Veliki Djerdap gorge on the Danube, Serbia
rh1192: Danube gorge camping dinner
rh1192: Danube gorge wild camping, Serbia
rh1192: Danube barge, Serbia
rh1192: Danube Gorges, Serbia
rh1192: Leaving Serbia at the Iron Gates
rh1192: Cerna valley gorges
rh1192: The (gravel) road to Cerna Sat
rh1192: Upper Cerna valley near Cerna Sat
rh1192: Upper Cerna valley
rh1192: Puppies with bike at the Cheile Buţii cabana
rh1192: Jiul de Vest river above Câmpuşel
rh1192: Jieţ gorge, on the climb to the Groapa Seacă pass
rh1192: Nearing the top, east of Petroşani
rh1192: Groapa Seacă pass
rh1192: Arriving at Obârşia Lotrului
rh1192: A beer with Romanian mountain bikers at the Obârşia Lotrului cabană
rh1192: Around a campfire with Romanian mountain bikers at Obârşia Lotrului