daneensands: "They will ignore you until they need you."
Theo Kline: The Flaming Crocus!
Theo Kline: Need to go get the wench..
Theo Kline: Sure hope they have mead when I return..
Theo Kline: This might be a bigger challenge than I anticipated..
daneensands: "I know my limits. I don't always Obey them, but I know them. Cheers, Happy Friday"
KaraLee Aeon: Alma Mavis Taraza
KaraLee Aeon: Raphtalia
KaraLee Aeon: You can trust me.
KaraLee Aeon: Bel'Veth
Clint Maggs: We're going home baby. Just one more she said......
Clint Maggs: Snapshot2024-001_640