Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style Authentic Blythe doll, not authentic stock
Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style in her newly made outfit.
Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style in her newly made outfit.
Claire Who Makes Things: January Blythe photos. I knitted a new jumper, the trousers I made and I shared before with a floral top (pattern from Hilary. #ailurophilestyle
Claire Who Makes Things: St Patrick’s Outfits that I listed on my shop. Only one is left.
Claire Who Makes Things: Not my photos, this his her original stock
Claire Who Makes Things: Not my photos, this his her original stock
Claire Who Makes Things: Not my photos, this his her original stock
Claire Who Makes Things: Not my photos, this his her original stock
Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style -Ylva
Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style -Ylva
Claire Who Makes Things: Ailurophile Style -Ylva