Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-09 back cover Camel Ad
Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-09 spot photo
Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-09 splash Science Fingerprints a Ghost!
Darwination: IllustratedDetective1931-090028
Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-09 splash Oliver Spotts, Near-Detective
Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-09 p32 crop
Darwination: IllustratedDetective1931-090025
Darwination: IllustratedDetective1931-090022-23
Darwination: IllustratedDetective1931-090020-21
Darwination: IllustratedDetective1931-090019
Darwination: Illustrated Detective 1931-090018
Darwination: The Illustrated Detective Magazine v04n03 (1931-09.Tower) cover (McCoy Edit)
Darwination: The New Movie Magazine v05n01 (1932-01.Tower) cover Barbara Stanwyck by Penrhyn Stanlaws (MCS Darwin Edit)