Darwination: The Youth's Companion (1904-Autumn) Before and After Darwin
Darwination: The Farmer's Wife Before and After Darwination
Darwination: Fight Stories 1930-09 Before and After McCoy
Darwination: The American Woman 1909-08 cover Before and After
Darwination: The Saturday Evening Post v208n27 (1936-01-04.Curtis) Before and After McCoy
Darwination: Teen-Age Temptations 04 Before and After (Darwination Edit)
Darwination: Weird Tales v30n6 (1937-12) Before and After Darwin
Darwination: Adventure June 15 1935 Before and After Darwin
Darwination: Teen-Age Romances 042 1955-03.St. John cover (Darwination Before and After)
Darwination: Realistic Romances 016 (1954-06.Avon) cover (Darwination Before and After)
Darwination: Popular Magazine v077 n03 (1925-08-20.Street & Smith) cover Darwination before and after
Darwination: Diary Secrets 29 cover Matt Baker before and after
Darwination: Fight Stories 1928-06 Before and After McCoy Edit
Darwination: French Night Life Stories 1933-12 v01n03 before and after (McCoy Edit)
Darwination: Reader's Scope v02n04 (1944-09.Picture Scoop) cover (Darwin Before and After)
Darwination: Realistic Romances 017 cover before and after (Darwin Edit)