Ingrid Stuller: Der Braunfleckige Perlmuttfalter (Boloria selene), auch als Sumpfwiesen-Perlmuttfalter bezeichnet, ist ein Schmetterling (Tagfalter)
Ingrid Stuller: Large cabbage white butterfly (Pieris brassicae)
Ingrid Stuller: I'll let this pretty female chessboard fly for you one last time!
Ingrid Stuller: The green tip butterfly, also known as the blackberry tip butterfly, is a butterfly from the blue butterfly family. It owes its name to the green underside of its wings, which camouflage it very well in the foliage.
Ingrid Stuller: Lean grassland fritillary butterfly
Ingrid Stuller: Lean grassland fritillary butterfly
Ingrid Stuller: The Lean Grassland Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria dia) is a butterfly (diurnal butterfly) of the Nymphalidae family.
Ingrid Stuller: The Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) is a butterfly from the butterfly family (Papilionidae).
Ingrid Stuller: Large ox-eye butterfly( Maniola jurtina) The Large Ox-eye is one of the most common eye butterflies. Its habitat ranges from various types of meadows to forest clearings
Ingrid Stuller: Checkerspot butterfly (male)
Ingrid Stuller: Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
Ingrid Stuller: "The lemon butterfly" (family of the white butterflies) They are one of the last species in autumn to take advantage of warming sun rays to snack on last cathouse carnations!
Ingrid Stuller: Lesser meadowbird (Coenonympha pamphilus)
Ingrid Stuller: Pair of bluebirds in the morning light - dancing together into the morning!
Ingrid Stuller: " Blue " in the autumn summer meadow!
Ingrid Stuller: " Schwalbenschwanz " Papillio machaon
Ingrid Stuller: Checkered female in morning light (overcast sky)
Ingrid Stuller: "Early morning" A still sleeping checkerboard female sitting at a little flower!
Ingrid Stuller: The brown coloured thick headed butterfly still asleep in the early morning! Thymelicus sylvestris
Ingrid Stuller: " He who hears butterflies laughing knows how clouds taste " (Novalis)
Ingrid Stuller: Black Apollo Butterfly
Ingrid Stuller: Large ox-eye (Manuola jurtina)
Ingrid Stuller: Swallowtail, one of the most beautiful noble butterflies and belongs to the family of knight butterflies! It flies in three generations!
Ingrid Stuller: Swallowtail, one of the most beautiful noble butterflies and belongs to the family of knight butterflies! It flies in three generations!
Ingrid Stuller: Schwalbenschwanz
Ingrid Stuller: Schwalbenschwanz