Ingrid Stuller: How long does it take a spider to build a spider web? Building a new wheel web takes between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on the size. The flying thread can be up to 50 centimeters long in a horned cross spider.
Ingrid Stuller: "Small forest impression"
Ingrid Stuller: For "Looking close on Friday"
Ingrid Stuller: No mushroom is small enough not to be a lucky mushroom.
Ingrid Stuller: Looking close ....on Friday
Ingrid Stuller: Experiences are gathered like mushrooms: one by one and with the feeling that the thing is not quite secret. Erskine Caldwell
Ingrid Stuller: The fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), also known as the red fly agaric, is a poisonous species of mushroom in the bead family.
Ingrid Stuller: This wonderful filigree mushroom species, I could discover and capture in a floodplain forest!
Ingrid Stuller: Spider and/or Spider Web
Ingrid Stuller: Fungi are living organisms. They consist of individual cells with a cell nucleus. In biology, they form a separate kingdom next to animals and plants. They are more similar to plants because they cannot move by themselves.
Ingrid Stuller: Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) The "red" one with the white spots!
Ingrid Stuller: Autumn impression "Red wine leaf"
Ingrid Stuller: Small group of forest mushrooms in their natural environment!
Ingrid Stuller: The bridge over the river
Ingrid Stuller: The magical world at our feet! 🌳 🍄
Ingrid Stuller: Whispers of light
Ingrid Stuller: Where are my friends?
Ingrid Stuller: Great tit "The trusting one"
Ingrid Stuller: The carpenter "great spotted woodpecker" (family Picidae)
Ingrid Stuller: Snow rose (Helleporus niger) in the last evening light!
Ingrid Stuller: "Shuttlecocks" Great Tit
Ingrid Stuller: Small mushroom impression....wrapped in clouds!
Ingrid Stuller: Crested tit "The little angel" Happy holidays and have a great time!
Ingrid Stuller: The floating Christmas tree on "Lake Wörthersee"!
Ingrid Stuller: Winterimpression
Ingrid Stuller: "Schwan im Lichtspiel" das Wasser hat sich genau im richtigen Moment im Gegenlicht gespiegelt!
Ingrid Stuller: Viola ist ein alter lateinischer Mädchenname, "das Veilchen"
Ingrid Stuller: "Departure" of the fir tit
Ingrid Stuller: "Orange sided mushroom".....Look under the skirts of the "Orangis"! :)
Ingrid Stuller: "Märzenbecher" (Leucojum aestivum) in the last evening light!