Ingrid Stuller:
Ingrid Stuller:
Ingrid Stuller:
Ingrid Stuller:
Ingrid Stuller:
Ingrid Stuller:
Yellow wagtail
Ingrid Stuller:
Pied avocet
Ingrid Stuller:
The mother duck makes the first exploratory trip with her little ones
Ingrid Stuller:
Where the cormorant hunts, catch quotas are pointless, every fifth fish ends up in the bird's stomach!
Ingrid Stuller:
A mother goosander takes a little rest with her chicks!
Ingrid Stuller:
"The Two Kickboxers" Two male coots get into a rage, one wanted to dispute the territory of the other, but he did not succeed!
Ingrid Stuller:
Pheasant - male (Phasianus colchicus)
Ingrid Stuller:
"Swan girl" swims backlit in the setting sun!
Ingrid Stuller:
PAThe Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) Family of Ibises Species conservation projects provide unique frameworks for research and, conversely, they can also benefit directly from research results. The Waldrappteam practices this symbiotic interaction success
Ingrid Stuller:
"Shuttlecocks" Great Tit
Ingrid Stuller:
Crested tit "The little angel" Happy holidays and have a great time!
Ingrid Stuller:
"Schwan im Lichtspiel" das Wasser hat sich genau im richtigen Moment im Gegenlicht gespiegelt!
Ingrid Stuller:
"Departure" of the fir tit
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Little Egret
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Great Egret
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Stelzenläufer (Himantopus himantopus)
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The spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), also known as the spoonbill, is a species of bird in the ibis and spoonbill family (Threskiornithidae).
Ingrid Stuller:
The black-winged stilt is a species of bird in the avocet family. In Central Europe, the black-winged stilt is a sporadic and irregular summer visitor and occasionally a breeding bird due to large-scale movements.
Ingrid Stuller:
Pink flamingos
Ingrid Stuller:
House and field sparrows share the same brown and black plumage pattern and gray belly. The differences can be found in the head region. While the tree sparrow has a rusty brown cap, that of the house sparrow is gray.
Ingrid Stuller:
What is special about the blue tit? The blue tit is smaller than the great tit and has a short beak. It has a blue-yellow plumage. The female is slightly duller in color than the male. The young birds are greenish (i.e. not blue) on the head and yellowish