RGB Observatory: Consider the lily….
RGB Observatory: My wildflowers.
RGB Observatory: Bromeliad, wild.
RGB Observatory: Saguaro, Friend.
RGB Observatory: Ignoble Fir Monoculture Mt St Helens
RGB Observatory: Hymengastrocae. Yep. That’s the name
RGB Observatory: 2nd growth Redwoods is better than nothing but we need more trees in more places to replace what has been lost.
RGB Observatory: Star Tulip Pt Reyes
RGB Observatory: So quiet you could hear a redwood’s bark
RGB Observatory: It’s another poppy sunrise…
RGB Observatory: Echium are native to a single island, Madeira, in the Azores. Despite the arm-sized flower stalks that last a month or more they ought be considered invasive outside one’s garden besides the Azores
RGB Observatory: +\- 3000 yr old thriving Bristlecone Pine. Great Basin NP.
RGB Observatory: Bristlecones grow here @ 12,000 ft with nothing but ground hugging tundra plants in the rain shadow of the Sierras. Mostly, these 4500 yr old trees were burned for firewood but also were used in mining.
RGB Observatory: Remember HR Puffinstuff? Well he has family living on log in the woods and they sure could use some help Mr Hollywood Bigshot. Geez
RGB Observatory: If you hate mushrooms, at least this one has a crazy slug clinging underneath it…or is it a toe? Baby snake face? Idk
RGB Observatory: Myosotis or Mouse’s Ear or Forget-me-not. Plasma-bright blue even on a rainy day
RGB Observatory: Reflections in raindrops reveal the view of forest canopy from the perspective of a wild iris
RGB Observatory: The Layia says something like “Wake Up!” to the Nemophilia and it does! And the hi-jinx and hilarity ensue among the Clarkia and Colinsia. What a bunch of wild flowers
RGB Observatory: Absolutely nowhere like old growth redwood forests.
RGB Observatory: Redwood sorrel in bloom
RGB Observatory: No one knows for sure how tall or wide the largest redwoods were. They just cut 95% down and built mansions of marble and gold with the money.
RGB Observatory: Successful succulent show
RGB Observatory: The Fanged Pitcher Plant feeds on anything that falls in like flies, beetles, guitar picks, car keys and AirPods.
RGB Observatory: African water lilies have evolved entrancing beauty allowing the surrounding jungle time to grow over gazing photographers.
RGB Observatory: Ludicrous color in the park on a cloudy day
RGB Observatory: Free Range Saguaro
RGB Observatory: Hooray!!!!!
RGB Observatory: A nice comfy seat…..
RGB Observatory: A rash of raspberry and a very old ferryboat