eleene61: Black Tern
eleene61: American White Pelican’s
eleene61: American White Pelicans
eleene61: Bonaparte's gull
eleene61: Sand Martin
eleene61: Common Tern
eleene61: Goldfinch
eleene61: White Tailed Deer Doe and Fawn
eleene61: White Tailed Deer Doe and Fawn
eleene61: Spotted Sandpiper
eleene61: Red-headed woodpecker
eleene61: Sandhill Crane
eleene61: Yellow-billed cuckoo
eleene61: Osprey
eleene61: Osprey
eleene61: Osprey ready to leave nest
eleene61: Least Sandpiper
eleene61: Least Sandpiper
eleene61: Sanderling
eleene61: Sanderling
eleene61: Killdeer
eleene61: Osprey Juveniles
eleene61: Killdeer Chick
eleene61: Semipalmated plover
eleene61: Greater Yellowlegs
eleene61: Greater Yellowlegs
eleene61: Lesser Yellowlegs
eleene61: Black-crowned night heron
eleene61: Cedar Waxing
eleene61: Greater Yellowlegs