Ingrid Stuller: "Nuthatch"
Ingrid Stuller: Swallowtail, one of the most beautiful noble butterflies and belongs to the family of knight butterflies! It flies in three generations!
Ingrid Stuller: The mother duck makes the first exploratory trip with her little ones
Ingrid Stuller: "Wild Beauty" Dogtooth Lily (Erythronium dens-canis)
Ingrid Stuller: " Schwalbenschwanz " Papillio machaon
Ingrid Stuller: The brownish colored common toad is one of the most common amphibian species in Europe and is found almost all over the continent. continent. Yet Bufo bufo, as the common toad is scientifically called, has what it takes to be the true ruler among toads.
Ingrid Stuller: "Life in the meadow" The wasp spider
Ingrid Stuller: Marmota/ Murmeltier
Ingrid Stuller: No mushroom is small enough not to be a lucky mushroom.
Ingrid Stuller: Little fawn in the Julian Alps...winter is just around the corner, how should such a little animal survive the winter high up in the Alps!
haslerbryan: sun.09.09.23.
haslerbryan: Little egret
haslerbryan: Little egret
haslerbryan: egret landing..tif
kieran.n.williams: Osprey Meal Time
kieran.n.williams: Superb Fairwren
kieran.n.williams: Tricot Rayé
kieran.n.williams: Noisy Miner
kieran.n.williams: Kookaburra
fredchance1: Highgate Common Staffordshire
fredchance1: Bumble Hole Nature Reserve
fredchance1: Highgate Common Staffordshire
fredchance1: The Lone Tree Lianberis North Wales.
fredchance1: Highgate Common Staffordshire
davie ch: DSC_0549-Edit-Edit
davie ch: D85_2378-Edit-Edit
davie ch: D85_2209-Edit-Edit