markbrucker: Prairie warbler, clearer than the other day.
markbrucker: Prairie warbler number two, singing.
markbrucker: Yellow throated vireo, number two.
markbrucker: Yellow throated vireo.
markbrucker: Number two and last photo of the tree swallow.
markbrucker: Number three cedar waxwing.
markbrucker: Cedar waxwing posing.
markbrucker: Yellow warbler singing up a storm.
markbrucker: Number 3 of eleven.
markbrucker: Number 7, lucky seven.
markbrucker: Indigo bunting number three.
markbrucker: One more following this one.
markbrucker: Indigo Bunting, clear.
markbrucker: Nearing the end, two more to go.
markbrucker: Blue gray gnatcatcher number two.
markbrucker: Blue gray gnatcatcher, last photo.
markbrucker: Chickadee at boulder pond.
markbrucker: Number two, juvenile common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Juvenile common yellow throat.
markbrucker: A different juvenile common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Number three of the common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Last photo of the common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Cedar waxwing.
markbrucker: American kestrel number two, perched on a fence post.
markbrucker: Common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Phoebe number two, eating a butterfly.
markbrucker: Eastern phoebe with a hairstreak butterfly from last Saturday.
markbrucker: Number two of the Willow Flycatcher.
markbrucker: Common yellow throat.
markbrucker: Prairie warbler.