markbrucker: Blue tailed eastern.
markbrucker: Striped hairstreak taken with Sony A-6000
markbrucker: Silver spotted skipper on begonias, or something similar.
markbrucker: Small copper, (butterfly).
markbrucker: Small copper, (butterfly) number two.
markbrucker: Little wood satire.
markbrucker: A different little wood satyr.
markbrucker: Last photo of the pearl crescent, last photo of the day.
markbrucker: Butterfly and a bee, both pollinating the same flower.
markbrucker: Last Delaware skipper for tonight.
markbrucker: Eastern tailed blue.
markbrucker: Delaware skipper number two, with it's proboscis extended.
markbrucker: Delaware skipper.
markbrucker: Northern crescent.
markbrucker: Dun skipper, second and last photo.
markbrucker: Dun skipper number one.
markbrucker: Little wood satyr.
markbrucker: Pearl crescent butterflies, looks like they're stuck.
markbrucker: Second pearl crescent butterfly.
markbrucker: Summer azure number two.
markbrucker: Summer azure.
markbrucker: Pearl crescent, near the marsh.
markbrucker: Long dash.
markbrucker: Pearl crescent number two.
markbrucker: Cabbage white butterfly.
markbrucker: Red banded hairstreak.
markbrucker: Number two of the red banded hairstreak.
markbrucker: Little wood satyr.
markbrucker: Little wood satyr number two.
markbrucker: Wild indigo dusky wing.