markbrucker: Cherry blossoms.
markbrucker: A single violet.
markbrucker: A different violet.
markbrucker: Squill in the marshy area.
markbrucker: Virginia bluebells.
markbrucker: Red trillium.
markbrucker: Virginia bluebells, blossomed.
markbrucker: Myrtle, aka common periwinkle....I'm not a botanical expert and all I can tell is what I see when looking it up?
markbrucker: Jack in the pulpit.
markbrucker: Mountain laurel blossoms
markbrucker: Quaker lady
markbrucker: Honeysuckle.
markbrucker: Flame azalea.
markbrucker: Japanese Andromeda.
markbrucker: Blue toadflax.
markbrucker: Last photo of the day, peoni.
markbrucker: Different looking black eyed Susan, Daisy.
markbrucker: Tiger lily, very vibrant and colorful.
markbrucker: Brighter photo of scarlet beebalm.
markbrucker: Veronicastrum
markbrucker: Scarlet beebalm.
markbrucker: Second pincushion flower and final photo of the day.
markbrucker: Virginia spiderwort with honey bee.
markbrucker: Black eyed Susan, Daisy.
markbrucker: Orange daylily
markbrucker: Selected yellow on my Sony, A-6000
markbrucker: Maiden pink, red color selector.
markbrucker: Spotted don't touch me flower..
markbrucker: First thistle I saw this season.
markbrucker: Wild bergamot.