Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1506
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1512
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1515_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1515_editedb_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1517
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1521
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1525
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1529
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1530
Paul and Michele Photos: Bank Swallows DSCN1531
Paul and Michele Photos: Cliff Swallows DSCN1469
Paul and Michele Photos: Cliff Swallows DSCN1476
Paul and Michele Photos: Cliff Swallows DSCN1476b
Paul and Michele Photos: Cliff Swallows DSCN1476b_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Raven DSCN1420
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Raven DSCN1424
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Raven DSCN1427
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Raven DSCN1427b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Dragonfly DSCN1399
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Wood-Pewee DSCN1405
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Rough-winged Swallow DSCN1503
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Rough-winged Swallow DSCN1504
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Rough-winged Swallow DSCN1504b
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Rough-winged Swallow DSCN1504b-2
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1437
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1439
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1441
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1442
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1443
Paul and Michele Photos: Peregrine Falcon DSCN1445