Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1938
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1939
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1942
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1943
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1945
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1951
Paul and Michele Photos: Alder Flycatcher DSCN1952
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN1998
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN1998b
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN1999
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN1999b
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN2000
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN1901
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN1902
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1961b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1969b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1971
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1972
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1972b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN1976b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN1955b
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN1957b
Paul and Michele Photos: Grey Catbird DSCN1974
Paul and Michele Photos: Grey Catbird DSCN2001
Paul and Michele Photos: Groundhog DSCN1997_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Indigo Bunting DSCN1982
Paul and Michele Photos: Indigo Bunting DSCN1985b
Paul and Michele Photos: Mourning Dove DSCN2009
Paul and Michele Photos: Prairie Warbler DSCN1909
Paul and Michele Photos: Prairie Warbler DSCN1912