Paul and Michele Photos: Western Meadowlark
Paul and Michele Photos: Golden-crowned Kinglet DSCN1353
Paul and Michele Photos: Golden-crowned Kinglet DSCN1354
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-billed Cuckoo_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher DSCN9998
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN7882b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-shouldered Hawk 323423240
Paul and Michele Photos: Cooper's Hawk 279869911
Paul and Michele Photos: Sharp-shinned Hawk DSCN5917b
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk DSCN4815
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk DSCN4855b
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk DSCN4809b
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk DSCN5603bbbbb_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk DSCN4776
Paul and Michele Photos: Cooper's Hawk DSCN2150
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 08 Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 08 Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow Warbler 3055802
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-and-white Warbler 305030650
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-throated Blue Warbler
Paul and Michele Photos: Canada Warbler
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-and-White Warbler