Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0261
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0262b
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0267
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0271
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0272
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0281
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink DSCN0282
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle DSCN0025_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Merganser DSCN0175
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat DSCN0007_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird DSCN0315b
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Kingbird DSCN0193
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN0016_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher DSCN0028_1_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-eyed Vireo DSCN0215
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN0234
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN0239
Paul and Michele Photos: Pine Warbler DSCN0017
Paul and Michele Photos: Pine Warbler DSCN0018