Paul and Michele Photos: Baltimore Orioles DSCN0118
Paul and Michele Photos: Barn Swallow DSCN0226
Paul and Michele Photos: Cerulean Warbler DSCN0041
Paul and Michele Photos: Cerulean Warbler DSCN0043
Paul and Michele Photos: Cerulean Warbler DSCN0052
Paul and Michele Photos: Coyote DSCN0132
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher DSCN0119
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher DSCN9996
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher DSCN9998
Paul and Michele Photos: Least Flycatcher DSCN0061
Paul and Michele Photos: Least Flycatcher DSCN0063
Paul and Michele Photos: Louisianna Waterthrush DSCN0053
Paul and Michele Photos: Louisianna Waterthrush DSCN0053_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN0159
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN0164
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN0169
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird DSCN0198
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird DSCN0198_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird DSCN0198_edited_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird DSCN0199
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird DSCN0203
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN0018
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN0076
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN0077
Paul and Michele Photos: Veery DSCN0104
Paul and Michele Photos: Veery DSCN0215
Paul and Michele Photos: Veery DSCN0217