Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9083
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9086
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9091
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9094
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9100
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9106
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9108
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN9112b
Paul and Michele Photos: Broad-winged Hawk DSCN9290_edited1
Paul and Michele Photos: Broad-winged Hawk DSCN9293_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Broad-winged Hawk DSCN9302
Paul and Michele Photos: Broad-winged Hawk DSCN9303
Paul and Michele Photos: Broad-winged Hawk RDSCN9295_1_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Chipping Sparrow DSCN9186
Paul and Michele Photos: Chipping Sparrow DSCN9252
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9178
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9180
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9282
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9284
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9369
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9377
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9397
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN9156
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN9162_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN9333_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN9126
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruby-crowned Kinglet DSCN9065