Paul and Michele Photos: {rairie Warbler DSCN9743
Paul and Michele Photos: Baltimore Oriole DSCN9777-2
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler 23532
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler DSCN9749
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler DSCN9755
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler DSCN9758
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler DSCN9762
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-winged Warbler DSCN9763
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird DSCN9772
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN9662
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN9697
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee DSCN9698
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9779
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9782
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9784
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9786
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9789
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN9790
Paul and Michele Photos: Grey Catbird DSCN9810
Paul and Michele Photos: Prairie Warbler DSCN9731
Paul and Michele Photos: Prairie Warbler DSCN9734
Paul and Michele Photos: Prairie Warbler DSCN9742
Paul and Michele Photos: Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN9659
Paul and Michele Photos: Rose-breasted Grosbeak DSCN9711
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN9665
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager DSCN9667
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow Warbler DSCN9805
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow Warbler DSCN9806