Paul and Michele Photos: Dark-eyed Junco DSCN8352
Paul and Michele Photos: Double-crested Cormorant DSCN8286
Paul and Michele Photos: Double-crested Cormorant DSCN8293
Paul and Michele Photos: Osprey DSCN8438
Paul and Michele Photos: Osprey DSCN8445
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Finch DSCN8325
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Finch DSCN8327
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Finch DSCN8338
Paul and Michele Photos: Tufted Titmouse DSCN8465
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow DSCN8367_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow DSCN8368_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow DSCN8386
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow DSCN8394
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow DSCN8425
Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow DSCN8347