Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN7797_1_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN7881b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel DSCN7882b_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher DSCN7925
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher DSCN7977_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle DSCN7721_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Cooper's Hawk DSCN7961_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN8061
Paul and Michele Photos: Field Sparrow DSCN8061b
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN8042
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN8045
Paul and Michele Photos: Osprey DSCN8177
Paul and Michele Photos: Osprey DSCN8182
Paul and Michele Photos: Otter DSCN7986
Paul and Michele Photos: Palm Warbler DSCN8017
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple FInch DSCN7996_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Finch DSCN8050
Paul and Michele Photos: Song Sparrow DSCN7932
Paul and Michele Photos: Tree Swallow DSCN7956
Paul and Michele Photos: Tree Swallow DSCN7970
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck DSCN8031_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck DSCN8030_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN8157
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN8159