Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Shoveler 26047287
Paul and Michele Photos: Snow Bunting 260300743
Paul and Michele Photos: Sanderling 262438605_10159713572742017_4724228233170108439_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 265197772_10159713572942017_9041111612692117110_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 261453788_10159713573202017_5091521470847026934_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Herring Gull 262479240_10159713574372017_8252359382234951041_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Sanderling 260702503_10159713577007017_7568385506678821980_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Snow Bunting 258872363_10159713578117017_6517471746843646422_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Snow Bunting 264363879_10159713578492017_3114869347841747071_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Dunlin 263926436_10159713571462017_6252604003242150224_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Grebe 271186256
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Black-backed Gull 27124835
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Loon 271189437_10159768048762017_8649910001005166009_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Loon 271231389_10159768046772017_3241211601522692742_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Loon P1210143
Paul and Michele Photos: Mute Swans 24878
Paul and Michele Photos: Mute Swans 24949
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 255764201
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruddy Duck 25527
Paul and Michele Photos: Mute Swans 247918618
Paul and Michele Photos: Mute Swans2554
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Lark 261297
Paul and Michele Photos: American Wigeon 260426362
Paul and Michele Photos: Snow Bunting 26204954
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Lark 2620499
Paul and Michele Photos: Snow Bunting 26220254
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Larks 20
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Ducks 0159
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 01595654