Paul and Michele Photos: White-rumped Sandpipers 492550611
Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-necked Ducks 31343600
Paul and Michele Photos: Redhead 312231753_1016039167581
Paul and Michele Photos: Mute Swan 314668554
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 313979092
Paul and Michele Photos: Lesser Black-backed Gull 313976993
Paul and Michele Photos: Greater Scaup 313436036
Paul and Michele Photos: Greater Black-backed Gulls 314
Paul and Michele Photos: Greated Scaup and Ring necked Duck 31474046
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Egrets 311525
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Egret 31127121
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 31226
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Loon IMG_20
Paul and Michele Photos: Brandt 314615464
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-bellied Plover 311481
Paul and Michele Photos: American Wigeon 31409928
Paul and Michele Photos: American Wigeon 31397854
Paul and Michele Photos: American Wigeon 3139785
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 304847
Paul and Michele Photos: White-Ibis juvenile 306146264
Paul and Michele Photos: White Ibis juvenile 30529
Paul and Michele Photos: Whimbrel 30480730
Paul and Michele Photos: Whimbrel 304241513
Paul and Michele Photos: Virginia Rail 481247481
Paul and Michele Photos: Virginia Rail 305253778
Paul and Michele Photos: Virginia Rail 30519030
Paul and Michele Photos: Virginia Rail 305035671
Paul and Michele Photos: Virginia Rail 304965328
Paul and Michele Photos: Virgina Rail 305035671
Paul and Michele Photos: Short-billed Dowitcher and friends 3053198