Paul and Michele Photos: Great Egret DSCN6300b
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Egret DSCN6301b
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN6318b
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN6319b
Paul and Michele Photos: Herring Gull DSCN6439
Paul and Michele Photos: Herring Gull DSCN6441
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Lark DSCN6361
Paul and Michele Photos: Horned Lark DSCN6361b2_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Surf Scoter DSCN6396b
Paul and Michele Photos: Surf Scoter DSCN6397b
Paul and Michele Photos: Surf Scoter DSCN6399b
Paul and Michele Photos: Herring Gull DSCN6435
Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow DSCN6304b