Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow 31497252
Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow 31481879
Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow 312260388
Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow 311570072
Paul and Michele Photos: White-crowned Sparrow 3122069
Paul and Michele Photos: White-crowned Sparrow 31158740
Paul and Michele Photos: White-crowned Sparrow 3115267
Paul and Michele Photos: White-crowned Sparrow 31009285
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow 312273501
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow 3120810
Paul and Michele Photos: Swamp Sparrow 3122559
Paul and Michele Photos: Song Sparrow 310537658
Paul and Michele Photos: Savannah Sparrow 312235473
Paul and Michele Photos: Savannah Sparrow 312223656
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruby-crowned Kinglet 311596231
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruby-crowned Kinglet 311466
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Mockingbird 311584959
Paul and Michele Photos: Nelson's Sparrow 31220829
Paul and Michele Photos: Lincoln Sparrow 314123462
Paul and Michele Photos: House Finch 313422012
Paul and Michele Photos: Golden-crowned Kinglet 31157298
Paul and Michele Photos: Golden-crowned Kinglet 31156646
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Wood-pewee 311056867
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe 310270131
Paul and Michele Photos: Dicksissel 312073967
Paul and Michele Photos: Dark-eyed Junco 31235357
Paul and Michele Photos: Dark-eyed Junco 31214991
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle 313899
Paul and Michele Photos: Clay-colored Sparrow 31222810
Paul and Michele Photos: Chipping Sparrow 312247283