Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 300800401
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 30064390
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 30038230
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 300284649
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 298836324
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 298468150
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 298401915
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 298010109
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 2978873
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Ducks 295339181
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 295439122
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 294650344
Paul and Michele Photos: Greater Yellowlegs 78888
Paul and Michele Photos: Greater Yellowlegs 7847
Paul and Michele Photos: Willet 2936086
Paul and Michele Photos: Willet 293310792_1016018770964201
Paul and Michele Photos: White-winged Scoter 302545680
Paul and Michele Photos: Short-billed Dowitcher 293370358
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper 299948772
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper 293
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Plover 30057662
Paul and Michele Photos: Sanderling 302424101
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruddy Turnstone and Short-billed Dowitchers 299283742
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruddy Turnstone 30241302
Paul and Michele Photos: Red Knot 302351364
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 295734344
Paul and Michele Photos: Little Blue Heron 29441435
Paul and Michele Photos: Little Blue Heron 293673294
Paul and Michele Photos: Little Blue Heron 293607661
Paul and Michele Photos: Little Blue Heron 293449821