Paul and Michele Photos: Red-eyed VIreo 303666459
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-eyed Vireo 95490461
Paul and Michele Photos: Worm-eating Warbler 295366664
Paul and Michele Photos: Philadelphia Vireo 478564871
Paul and Michele Photos: Ovenbird 296008040
Paul and Michele Photos: Great-crested Flycatcher 291327532
Paul and Michele Photos: Commoon Yellowthroat IMG_9296
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat IMG_9294
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat IMG_9219
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat IMG_9216
Paul and Michele Photos: Warbler 300596372
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 3000914
Paul and Michele Photos: Chestnut-sided Warbler 3000328
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 295437212
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 295391668
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 294148163
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 292265918
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Yellowthroat 291933689
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 295859858
Paul and Michele Photos: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 295323237
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-throated Blue Warbler 295458021
Paul and Michele Photos: Blackburnian Warbler 478564911
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-and-white warbler 295740118
Paul and Michele Photos: Black and White Warbler IMG_0803
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Kingbird 296060410
Paul and Michele Photos: FLycatcher 295333369