Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 289018700b
Paul and Michele Photos: Clapper Rail 289564623
Paul and Michele Photos: Clapper Rail 289575689
Paul and Michele Photos: Clapper Rail 289575040
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Plover 289585762
Paul and Michele Photos: Piping Plover 289587799
Paul and Michele Photos: Spotted Sandpiper 288157640
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Merganser 289391880
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 289893698
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 288646495
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 289231854
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 289312899
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Mergansers 288437421
Paul and Michele Photos: Spotted Sandpiper 289797494
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Merganser 289195046
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 289888636
Paul and Michele Photos: Spotted Sandpiper 288240834
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 289101504
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 288928988
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 289187148
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Mergansers 289652696
Paul and Michele Photos: Spotted Sandpiper 289343050
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Night Heron 285135659
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-crowned Nifgr Heron 285151684
Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 279786062
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpipers 284052748
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Plovers 285348263
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Plover 2850737
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruddy Turnstone 285196238