Paul and Michele Photos: White-throated Sparrow 278468056
Paul and Michele Photos: Vesper Sparrow 435181271
Paul and Michele Photos: Swamp Sparrow 279300816
Paul and Michele Photos: Savannah Sparrow 435181621
Paul and Michele Photos: Rose-breasted Grosbeak 437183551
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird P1390666
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird 278916482
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird 278835619
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird 278343225
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Finch 278836593
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Cardinal 279002971
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush 278974633
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush 278861234
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush 278321850
Paul and Michele Photos: Fish Crow 278296783
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird 278416274
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle 278876803
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle 278428307
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle 278414253_10159986784047017_8515131648868423456_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Brown-headed Cowbirds 278819199
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher P1360627_edited
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Cardinal 1
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird 4