Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Mockingbird 28963469
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-billed Cuckoo IMG_5324_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Pileated Woodpecker 288856051_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Pileated Woodpecker 289838367_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Rose-breasted Grosbeak 28813221
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush 288183429
Paul and Michele Photos: Cedar Waxwing 286497677
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker 289098144
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker 290028570
Paul and Michele Photos: Cedar Waxwing 289051661
Paul and Michele Photos: Grey Catbird 289097812
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Mockingbird 289582630
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager 283764285
Paul and Michele Photos: Scarlet Tanager 280746265
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird 281617766
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-bellied Woodpecker 279809397
Paul and Michele Photos: Orchard Oriole IMG_1756
Paul and Michele Photos: Orchard Oriole 2831628
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Mockingbird 285243
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Flicker IMG_0840
Paul and Michele Photos: Gray Catbird IMG_1353
Paul and Michele Photos: Gray Catbird 279826889
Paul and Michele Photos: Gray Catbird 279787752
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee 279903347
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Towhee 2797931
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink P1430190
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink P1430157
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink P1430148
Paul and Michele Photos: Bobolink P1430109
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-capped Chickadee 611214462