Paul and Michele Photos: Wood Duck 279314947
Paul and Michele Photos: Spotted Sandpiper 279281607
Paul and Michele Photos: Pie-billed Grebe 27816978
Paul and Michele Photos: Pie-billed Grebe 277754267
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard and Rough-winged Swallow 27
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 279163020
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 279078910
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 279068204
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 278661703
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 278412358
Paul and Michele Photos: Mallard 277749343
Paul and Michele Photos: Leucistic Mallard 277761839
Paul and Michele Photos: Killdeer 278976850
Paul and Michele Photos: Killdeer 277775024
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 278841756
Paul and Michele Photos: Green Heron 278819819
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 278896887
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 278674738
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 278643193
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 277588073
Paul and Michele Photos: Double-crested Cormorant 278961762
Paul and Michele Photos: Double-crested Cormorant 2780910
Paul and Michele Photos: Double-crested Cormorant 278015570
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Loon 278328923_10159984373852017_8849823771825611526_n
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 278615134
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 1
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 3
Paul and Michele Photos: Great Blue Heron 4
Paul and Michele Photos: American Black Duck