Paul and Michele Photos: Short-eared Owl DSCN5491
Paul and Michele Photos: American Bittern DSCN5512
Paul and Michele Photos: American Black Ducks DSCN5470
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5253
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5257
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5266
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5271
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5283
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Goldeneye DSCN5286
Paul and Michele Photos: Gadwall DSCN5404
Paul and Michele Photos: Gadwall DSCN5405
Paul and Michele Photos: Gadwall DSCN5412
Paul and Michele Photos: Green-winged Teal DSCN5437
Paul and Michele Photos: Green-winged Teal DSCN5438
Paul and Michele Photos: Green-winged Teal DSCN5442
Paul and Michele Photos: Green-winged Teal DSCN5443
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Duck DSCN5314
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Duck DSCN5328
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Duck DSCN5344
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Duck DSCN5351
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Duck DSCN5353
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Ducks DSCN5333
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Ducks DSCN5336
Paul and Michele Photos: Long-tailed Ducks DSCN5337
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Harrier DSCN5339
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Harrier DSCN5340
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Harrier DSCN5341
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Pintail DSCN5379
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Pintail DSCN5452