Paul and Michele Photos: Bufflehead DSCN2759
Paul and Michele Photos: Bufflehead DSCN2760
Paul and Michele Photos: Hermit Thrush DSCN2766
Paul and Michele Photos: Hooded Merganser DSCN2732
Paul and Michele Photos: Hooded Merganser DSCN2733
Paul and Michele Photos: Northern Mockingbird DSCN2701
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Merganser DSCN2812
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Merganser DSCN2817
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Merganser DSCN2818_1
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Merganser DSCN2822
Paul and Michele Photos: Song Sparrow DSCN2709
Paul and Michele Photos: Ruby-crowned Kinglet DSCN2769