Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle DSCN0227
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle DSCN0232
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle DSCN0244
Paul and Michele Photos: Downy Woodpecker DSCN0201
Paul and Michele Photos: Hairy Woodpecker DSCN0208
Paul and Michele Photos: Hairy Woodpecker DSCN0216
Paul and Michele Photos: Hairy Woodpecker DSCN0221
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Nuthatch DSCN0154
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-shouldered Hawk DSCN0164
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-shouldered Hawk DSCN0166
Paul and Michele Photos: Tufted-titmouse DSCN0185
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN0197
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN0207