Paul and Michele Photos: American Redstart DSCN4801b
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird DSCN4777
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird DSCN4871b
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe DSCN4859b
Paul and Michele Photos: Lincoln's Sparrow DSCN4850b
Paul and Michele Photos: Lincoln's Sparrow DSCN4852b
Paul and Michele Photos: Lincoln's Sparrows DSCN4851b
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN4805b
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN4806b
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN4807b
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN4812b
Paul and Michele Photos: Magnolia Warbler DSCN4817b
Paul and Michele Photos: White-breasted Nuthatch DSCN4791b
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN4885
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker DSCN4889