Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Phoebe 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Paul and Michele Photos: Pileated Woodpecker
Paul and Michele Photos: Wilson's Snipe
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Western Meadowlark
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel
Paul and Michele Photos: Little Blue Heron
Paul and Michele Photos: Eastern Bluebird
Paul and Michele Photos: Western Meadowlark
Paul and Michele Photos: Western Meadowlark
Paul and Michele Photos: American Kestrel
Paul and Michele Photos: American Woodcock
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 08 Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 08 Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 01 Great Horned Owl 2b
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 01 01 Great Horned Owl 1a
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-billed Cuckoo
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-breasted Nuthatch