Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 1
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 3
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 4
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 5
Paul and Michele Photos: Purple Martin 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Piping Plover 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpipers
Paul and Michele Photos: Least Terns 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: Piping Plover 2
Paul and Michele Photos: Piping Plover 3
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Paul and Michele Photos: Horseshoe Crab
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: Semipalmated Plovers
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds
Paul and Michele Photos: 2023 06 03 Shorebirds