Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-billed Duck
Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-billed Ducks
Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-billed Ducks
Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-billed Ducks
Paul and Michele Photos: Ring-billed Ducks
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Grackle
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-winged Blackbird
Paul and Michele Photos: Common Mergansers
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-capped Chickadee
Paul and Michele Photos: Black-capped Chickadee
Paul and Michele Photos: Pied-billed Grebe
Paul and Michele Photos: Pied-billed Grebe
Paul and Michele Photos: Red-tailed Hawk
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher
Paul and Michele Photos: Belted Kingfisher